Voices of the Ancestors – messages and gifts from the past
Sun 24/10/21 - 10:00 am
connect, communicate and honour your ancestors
Sunday 24th October in the Yurt
For many today we carry a lack of awareness and disconnection from the historical stories about our Ancestors, such as:- how each lived their lives and died, we have lost the true depth of their lived experiences. Including their wisdom and knowledge of how they delt with obstacles in life, their stories of endurance, courage and achievement or loss, grief and despair.
Today each of us stands here because of our ancestors and yet as a western culture we do not have practices or ceremonies to help our loved ones let go of the earth realm and move to the realm of spirit. Some of our ancestors may be calling from the past to be heard and acknowledged. They many have ‘unfinished’ business’ from their lives which they carry with them after death and these can filter through time to influence our lives today both positively or negatively.
Join Juanita to listen to the messages from the Ancestors and learn how we can re-establish our energetic links and heal the broken threads from the past. Which in turn heals the present and transforms the future. We will explore what burdens and sorrows have been influencing your life today and bring healing to these. We will also connect with the joys and gifts they wish to share with us including how in everyday life we can strengthen the flow of love, health and happiness for them and future generations.
This is a experiential day, with sharing, shamanic journeying and learning more about energetic communication using Deep Memory Process techniques.
For the workshop we will have a table for acknowledging our ancestors. Please bring something small that represents your ancestors such as:- photo copy of photos, a stone/wood from nature, something you have drawn/written.
please bring – a small candle & container (small glass jar for the candle to be in), drum or rattle if you have them, Blind fold/scarf and a blanket to lie on, note pad and pen.
Your own water bottle and lunch, which you can put in the fridge in the refreshment garden room
Times – arrival from 9.30 am prompt start 10 am till 6pm
Contact Juanita to book a place – juanitac@btopenworld.com or tel 007455269891
Early bird if paid in full £65 before 10th October after this date £75
www.energygateways.com and www.deepmemoryprocess.com
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on info@clophillcentre.co.uk