UNSTICK YOUR LIFE! – With The Medicine Wheel
Sat 12/3/22 - 10:00 am to Sun 13/3/22 - 5:00 pm
To prepare for the workshop there is a Free Online Talk 21st Feb 7pm with Leo Rutherford & Juanita Puddifoot 'Unstick Your Life' with the Healing Power of Medicine Wheel
Booking essential contact Juantiac@btopenworld.com for zoom link
then Workshop March 12 & 13th at Clophill Beds, UK
UNSTICK YOUR LIFE! - With The Medicine Wheel
March 12-13th Saturday 10am – 6pm, Sunday 10am – 5pm.
With Leo Rutherford & Juanita Puddifoot
Are you in a stuck place in your life?
Are there emotional hurts that still plague you ?
Do old patterns of behaviour return and upset the life you are seeking to create?
The Star Maiden's Circle unravels our life issues, shows us the source of them and guides us to potent places where we can affect real change. It show how we tend to get caught in the powerlessness of chasing our own tail, our own limiting patterns and habits, and it challenges us to free ourselves from those patterns and change our future.
This is deep work through our childhood, our emotional body, our past history, our Be-Lie-F's about it – and its effects upon our present and future life. It is the path of the hero/ine who challenges demons and conquers for the good of all.
Journey of the Shadow. We go round the wheel and experience how the 'shadow' holds us in limitation. We examine the human tendency to reinforce what reduces us – until we take back our rights, our personal power over Our-Self, and fully engage with the journey to make our life truly our own,
Journey of the Authentic Self. We journey round the Star Maiden's Circle a second time. Our Authentic Self – the best of Our Self that we strive to become. The Star Maiden's Circle teaches the reclaiming of our True Self, our power and rights, fully owning our self – and our Life.
The collective dream of humans is shaking and shuddering at the present time. We need a new dream, a sustainable dream created in mutual exchange of truth and trust that is in tune with our Planet's Dream. We need Elders with a lifetime of accumulated wisdom to guide us into a new creative, trustworthy, integrated, wise and joyful way of being.
Inner circle £165 / Outer circle (witness) £110 / Booking Deposit £65
Limited number of places (8) for those who wish to have personal time in the circle. We welcome others to join the outer circle who will gain much through the teaching sessions on the Medicine Wheel and witnessing the work.
Leo Rutherford, MA Holistic Psychology, Shamanic Practitioner for 35 years. I have used the Star Maiden's Circle as part of my practice since 1987.
Juanita Puddifoot – International lecturer, professional transpersonal counsellor and trainer.
At Clophill Centre, Shefford Road, Clophill, Beds MK45 4BT.
Info/Booking: Juanita Puddifoot - juanitac@btopenworld.com / 01234-350313 / 07455-269891.
Further info:- Leo Rutherford – leorutherford@eagleswing.co.uk / 01435-813508/ 07714-333989
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on info@clophillcentre.co.uk