Transforming Soul Wounds – Deep Memory Process Training
Sat 31/7/21 - 10:00 am to Sun 1/8/21 - 10:00 am
Transforming Soul Wounds - 4 Modules Deep Memory Process Training
Module 1 - comprises of 2 weekends - July 30th evening, 31 Sat & Aug 1 sun also weekend Aug fri 6 evening , sat 7 & 8 sun
Juanita Puddifoot transpersonal therapist and teacher
Is offering a unique opportunity to learn Deep Memory Process – regression therapy
At Clophill Centre, Bedfordshire
Deep Memory Process DMP regression therapy is a therapeutic method to explore life’s issues and difficulties that are negativity effecting your or your clients life today. These influences may come from your current childhood and adulthood or any of the following soul wounds –
- Past lives - Karmic Residues - Spirit attachments -Ancestor residues
DMP combines the influences of Jungian active imagination, bodywork from William Reich, Moreno’s psychodrama with shamanic/spirit journeying and integration between lifetimes derived from the Buddhist bardo wisdom of The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Which teach about death and transition through various bardo’s or intermediary states. Including the concepts of the subtle bodies of yogic traditions. All levels are worked with the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual simultaneously.
Module 1 – Understanding effects of trauma on the psyche, how to interview a client, understand which phrases to use, guiding and following the story, helping the client embody, cathartic release, working with past life stories, Bardo /spirit, death transition and present life traumas including fragmentation from childhood. Regression as active embodiment (psychodrama); concept of ‘unfinished business’ at physical, emotional and mental levels. Mapping of the eternal return of the soul, Identifying and selecting which charged key phrases to use, observing body cues and energy movements, understanding about previous life fragmentation, importance of dramatic tension and catharsis; symbolic resonance; Client integration and reflection practice
(see website for other modules
Following Modules to be arranged with the group
Open to anyone :- 1)professional therapists to add skills to their work with clients. 2) to become a DMP practitioner 3) for self development.
Investment : - module 1 (of 2 weekends) is £325 deposit £100 and remainder of £225 paid before first weekend.
accommodation/food is extra
Contact Juanita for further details – email or tel 01234 350313 mob -
Accommodation - camping, tree house, yurt – or local B & Bs
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on