The Water Element – healing & transforming issues
Wed 12/10/22 - 7:00 pm
Do your internal rivers flow with life and purpose or are they blocked, empty and exhausted?
Water -has many meanings - emotions, flow, spiritual purification, protection, life, Join Juanita with like minded people to explore ways of working with life’s issues with water. This is an invitation to deepen your awareness and experience different approaches to healing and transforming the wounds we carry.
Connect with the Water Element to enable flow and abundance in life. Join Juanita and journey with the water within to the pool of wisdom at the root of your Life tree to bring insight, transformation and healing to your life. Gain some practical ways to work with difficult issues that are blocking your life.
Bring a small bottle of spring water and a small bowl, note pad and pen. open to anyone who is willing to share.
£12.50 booking a place is essential
contact tel 0745269891
with group exercises, discussion and sharing to help processing. Before each evening we will be using smudge.
Open to any one with a willingness to share please contact :- Juanita Puddifoot --- tel 07455269891
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on