One day Constellation workshop
Sun 21/11/21 - 10:00 am
Bring your Personal or Business Issues to be Constellated in a powerful group workshop session.
About The Event
21 Nov, 9.40am for a 10am start to 6pm
You may choose to pay at the manual checkout electronic transfer, or bring cash on the day. If you are paying by cash on the day, please let us know in the 'Anything we need to know' comments box on checkout.
Sometimes we have recurring patterns in our life, both personal and professional that nothing we do seems to change and we’re left wondering where yet again we are ‘going wrong?’ We feel that we ‘should’ be able to fix whatever it is that is our issue and yet the solution continues to evade us no matter what we try and do or how hard we ‘search’ for the answer.
The Family and Business Constellations process explores these kinds of life challenges and problems in a different way - Using a wider, more systemic lens, it looks at the individual or business that exists as part of a greater system of family, culture, environment and conscience, rather than seeing it as something that functions as a purely independent unit.
The Question/Issue Holder - the one who wishes to take a deeper look into their personal or organisational dilemma. There is often more than one Question Holder in each group and thus a Question Holder may also act as a Representative in another’s Constellation.
The Representatives or Resources - the ones who offer themselves in service of the Field of the Question Holder to represent people or elements within the Question Holders system. Taking part in other people’s constellations as a Representative is entirely optional and you are not obliged to accept the invitation when asked. It must be noted though that it is very common that someone else’s work can touch you as deeply as your own, and even just being a witness to another’s constellation can be a powerful experience…..
If you would like more information please don't hesitate to contact me at
Question holder places are limited to 6 so if you would like your Question Constellated please book early to avoid disappointment.
Total places are limited to 15 so plenty of room if you want to come along and be a Representative - you can often get just as much out of doing that as you can from being a Question Holder.
Question holder £90 - Representative £60
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Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on