Journeys round the wheel of your life – Dream/Intention
Fri 18/11/22 - 7:00 pm to Sun 20/11/22 - 5:00 pm
Practitioner: Leo Rutherford with Ruth Humming Ford & Paul Cerigo
Four modules going around the non-cardinal directions –
2. Southwest direction – November 18-20th 2022
The SEVEN Laws of Manifestation
With Leo Rutherford, Ruth Humming Ford & Paul Cerigo
Note - Each workshop is complete in itself, come to one or more as you feel.)
In Module 2 we move to access our Sacred 'Dream of Life', the life we deeply seek to lead, transforming our Self into an active mover, Co-Creator of our future.
By accepting our past just the way it was, without blame, shame or guilt, we free ourself
from carrying unnecessary weight and can move forward into a new future unencumbered by the old. We can dance and play with a real sense of freedom, we can journey with an open mind and open heart to whatever the Universe wishes for us, we can serve the evolution of all life. Empowerment journeys and soul retrieval will be tools along the way.
What do you really CARE about? Look at what you spend your focus, time and energy on – that's what you care most about.....
We have 3 Centres – HEART – MIND – GUTS.
With the heart, we CARE, with the mind we THINK and with our guts we ACT.
A deep dive into the Seven Laws of Manifestation
Note:- There are seven, not one, which will explain why it is not just as simple as a visualisation -
and into the Ancient Knowledge of Prayer, so different from what most of us were taught.
The energy of the Southwest guides us to awareness of our purpose, clarity about our identity. ….
November 18th -20th Arrive any time from 4pm Friday. Evening session 7-9pm.
Saturday 10am–6pm, Sunday 10am-5pm
At Clophill Centre, Shefford Road, Clophill, Beds MK45 4BT.
Residence (not included, book separately) available at Clophill or local B&B/ AirB&B etc.
Fully catered – all meals included.
Booking: or
Per weekend: £180 supported, £215 standard, £235 gifting
Deposit of £50
or BACS Ruth Ford 59568986 / 60-83-71
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on