Grief Tending in Community
Mon 1/3/21
Grief is a natural response to what life brings us – sadness, loneliness, anger, despair and many more feelings. The more we open ourselves to love others, to celebrate the beauty of our world, to long for, or work for peace and justice, the more we also open to the pain of losing what we love, of witnessing the destruction of what is precious, and experiencing the suffering and inequality in the world around us
For many, the natural flow of grief is blocked in a society where spontaneous expressions of feeling are often taboo. Giving space to reconnect with buried grief, as well as what is present and moving right now, can be a healing, relieving and life affirming experience.
About Sophy:
Sophy has worked as a therapist, family constellator and workshop leader. Her understanding of the importance of grief work started through attending workshops of Joanna Macy and Sobonfu Some. In 2006 as Transition Town Totnes was coming into being Sophy co-founded the “Heart and Soul” group, addressing the inner aspects of re-imagining and rebuilding resilient, local ways of living.
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on