Fire Quest Gathering
Fri 10/9/21 - 12:00 am to Sun 12/9/21 - 12:00 am
To quest is to seek. Fire holds the knowledge intended for us as human beings
September 10th - 12th, 2021 - UK
Sitting with the sacred element of fire to seek and deeply reflect is a tradition as old as it is to be a human upon the earth.
Location: Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Site: Camping and self-catering (a morning breakfast will be prepared for fire quest participants)
This is being offered on a donation basis due to the nature of ceremony.
Registration for this gathering closes on Tuesday the 7th of September.
Fire is understood to be a keeper of knowledge, and through interacting and tending this sacred force, a deeper relationship of how to work with this knowledge can be accessed. With this healthy connection, we can utilize knowledge in a much healthier way in this world.
What you can experience for yourself within the gathering:
- An opportunity to undertake a personal overnight quest with fire
- Teachings on approaching a quest to maximise the experience
- Mentoring calls either side of the event to support preparation and integration
- Deep connection opportunities
- Purification practices before the quest process
- Community support and sharing to capture the experience
- Guidance to draw out the deeper meanings from your quest
- The chance to support others to quest
- A deeper connection to self, nature and spirit
- A profound relationship with the sacred element of fire that will last a lifetime
- The ability to quest in this way into the future for yourself
- Developed connections beyond the cognitive
- Deeper ways to experience life into the future
This will all be modified if we are required to do so as the regulations dictate so please be aware that we may need to inform you of changes. If for any reason the gathering has to be cancelled due to tighter governmental restrictions we will automatically reschedule the gathering date)
Upon registration we will send:
Welcome and joining instructions for the event including what to bring and where to go.
Log in details for the mentoring calls
Instructions on how to prepare for the quest
To register and book go to the website - Helpers Mentoring Society
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on