Exploring the Magical Child
Fri 5/11/21 - 10:00 am to Sun 7/11/21 - 5:00 pm
With Leo Rutherford, Ruth Humming Ford & Paul Cerigo
Module 3 Part 1 : East November 5th - 7th
Exploring the Magical Child
East is the realm of fire, of Grandfather Sun, of the fires of Planet Earth, and the fire in the belly of each of us.
East is also the realm of the Magical Child part of us that knows no past and no future, is always in the NOW, is fully 'being' - and not 'doing'.
To awaken our Magical Child, our inner fire, we will play with ---
- Trust exercises and other challenges to shift our energy matrix.
- Dance, play and the Magic of improvisation - which pushes us into the 'NOW'.
- Psychic development exercises, exploring energy.
- Shamanic Journeying,
- Trance dance (Spirit Movement),
- Extraction medicine,
- Soul Retrieval for the Magical Child.
£160 Booking deposit £60
Residence available at Clophill or B&B etc. Food included Sat/Sun/Mon, Bring food to share for Friday. Residence enq: richarddiss1950@tiscali.co.uk / 01525-862278
Booking: Ruth Humming Ford:- ruth@talkingtree.co.uk / 07961-504243 More info: leorutherford@eagleswing.co.uk 01435-813508 / 07714-333989
Payment - via bank = L.Rutherford, 20-96-55 / acc 10805963
Or via Paypal = paypal.me/eagleswing99
Second part of East – Early 2022 tbc
North dates tbc - Dreaming our futures – Seeing the future we wish to experience, both individually and collectively, ‘dreaming’ our desired futures into being.
Leo Rutherford's website :- eagleswing.co.uk
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on info@clophillcentre.co.uk