Dreamtime – Trance Dance Explorations
Sat 29/10/22 - 9:00 am to Sun 30/10/22 - 5:00 pm
29th / 30th October time 10am - 5pm both days
With Leo Rutherford, Ruth Humming Ford, Paul Cerigo and James Mills
We invite you to ceremonially mark the magical between time of Samhain. The end of the harvest leading to darkness, winter, and the dreamtime.
With Leo Rutherford, Ruth, Paul Cerigo and James Mills
Trance Dance is a form of Shamanic Journeying but with the body. Guided by live drumming, rhythms and soundscapes, you take your whole self into the journey. This opens doors to new knowledge, enables spiritual awakenings, mental re-connections, emotional re-balancing.
The Magic of Dance takes us out of the head and into the body, into the depth of our Self and our Truth. Free Wild Dance helps us to enter altered states of consciousness, to ‘touch the spirit’, to contact the essence of life and recognise our oneness with Everything-That-Is.
To ‘Dance like Nature’ is to vibrate like Creator, much the same as any newborn child will mimic its environment out of love and appreciation for its existence. Dance is synonymous with prayer, an expression of reverence.
This is an experiential weekend focussed on accessing the deep inside, on expanded consciousness, and connecting with the natural wisdom of life.
Bookings are being taken for the whole weekend but Saturday is considered as possible for a one day booking. Please get in touch regarding this.
Bring your own food for shared lunch and wear loose, comfortable clothing. Ideally also bring a cushion and blanket. We can provide some help on local accommodation's including The Clophill Centre and for a shared meal there on Saturday evening.
Contact ruth@talkingtree.co.uk
Payment per day: £85 supported, £100 standard, £120 gifting
Per weekend: £165 supported, £195 standard, £220 gifting
Deposit of £40 via ticket link or BACS
Where: Millbrook Village Hall, Sandhill Close, Millbrook MK452JD
Testimonial: Totally magic – I have been to several sound workshops with Leo, Ruth, Paul and James. All have been inspirational and transformative. When the weekends have drawn to a close it has been beautiful not only to feel the changes in me but to see similar changes reflected in the face of others. Our world seems so full challenges on both personal and global levels. It can be quite difficult to shake off the inertia that so many of us are feeling right now and join a weekend group, but do it anyway – you will be glad that you did! - Richard.E
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on info@clophillcentre.co.uk