Journeys Round the Wheel of Your Life – Grief Ceremony
Fri 16/9/22 - 7:00 pm to Sun 18/9/22 - 5:00 pm
Practitioner: Leo Rutherford with Ruth Humming Ford & Paul Cerigo Venue: The Birch Room
Journeys Round the Wheel of Your Life 2022-3
Four Modules - the non-cardinal directions
1.Southeast direction - September 16-18th 2022
With Leo Rutherford, Ruth Humming Ford & Paul Cerigo
Note - Each workshop is complete in itself, come to one or more as you feel.
Grief and sorrow are natural parts of life. Everything has a beginning and an ending and it is inevitable that we will encounter sad times as well as joyful times.
Sadly we do not have cultural rituals to help us release grief, sorrow, resentment, anger, and all such emotions. The ceremony we will do is based on teachings from Malidoma Some of the Dagara tribe of Burkina Faso. I learned this from him many years ago and have created ceremonies in a similar manner which have aided a great deal of release.
From Martin Prechtel's - “The Smell of Rain on Dust” - “Grief doesn’t go away. It can change into many things and will, but as a substance and presence it never leaves. To have caused and witnessed suffering and loss of life means grief is eagerly awaiting your decision as to what direction it will take in your destiny: to make more life or to make more death and violence, internally or externally. The best decision is that all grief be turned into life-promoting grief-based beauty and usefulness. The willingness for violence-shattered soldiers to heal others makes their malady into medicine.
If a society is alive, and aware in this way, then those who have suffered loss will have a chance to heal, and those who have caused loss will be socially supported to sprout a new type of life-making person out of the death they have caused: a person who can now help others to heal from their losses, instead of both of them causing more loss to the rest of the world. This not only gives a place to these people, but having been remade into a new type of human, they will become an indispensible necessity for the future well-being of the community on the whole.
When we know how to let ourselves grieve, we can lose a loved one or end a relationship, or a phase of life with a sense of completion and fullness that allows us to love again next time. When we are willing to feel the sadness of grief, we can afford to care deeply for those with whom we must eventually let go. When we have never had the support and guidance to grieve in a healthy way, endings of all kinds can feel like a piece of ourselves is being ripped away. Why would we ever want to be that close, care that much ever again?
When we are so afraid of grief that we close our hearts to sadness, the doorways to love, to beauty, to joy are closed as well. This ceremony is to re-open them.
September 16-18th ~ Arrive any time from 4pm Friday. Evening session 7-9pm. Saturday 10am–6pm, Sunday 10am-5pm
Fully catered – meals included
At Clophill Centre, Shefford Road, Clophill, Beds MK45 4BT. £195 Booking deposit £45
Residence available at Clophill or local B&B/ AirB&B etc
Booking: Ruth Humming Ford:- / 07961-504243
Includes food. £195 / Booking deposit £45. Some concessions possible
Payment BACS: L.Rutherford, 20-96-55 acc 10805963 Paypal:
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on